Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Active Missionaries
Right now, and throughout the year, pray for our missionaries. They need wisdom, support, boldness, and many need safety!
John Anderson, Evangelism/Equipping College Students, Navigators,
Location: Omaha
Norris & Linda Bailey, Church Planting Missionaries, Central Missionary Clearinghouse,
Location Vietnam: Myanmar & Amp; Philippines
Scott & Angie Bentley, IT and Web Management, Cru Ministries
Location: Florida
Megan Fletcher, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Location: South East Nebraska
Pastor Arin Hess, Serving Civil Servants, Nebraska Capitol Studies
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Rick & Fairy Hattan, Awana Missionaries, AWANA Club International
Location: Nebraska & Amp; Southeast Wyoming
Active Missionaries
Right now, and throughout the year, pray for our missionaries. They need wisdom, support, boldness, and many need safety!
Hope of the Poor, Benevolence/Evangelism/Discipleship,
Location: Mexico City & Omaha
Eliab Jarquin, Church Planting/Benevolence
Location: Managua, Nicaragua
Juniper Refuge, Helping Local Refugees
Location: Lincoln, NE
KBC Ministries, Church Planting
Location: Moldova
Greg & LuAnn Lyons, Church Planting, Global Surge
Location: Philippines
Jonathan Musgrave, Evangelism/Discipling Kids, Child Evangelism Fellowship
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Active Missionaries
Right now, and throughout the year, pray for our missionaries. They need wisdom, support, boldness, and many need safety!
Nebraska Family Alliance
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Dr. David Nelms, International Church Planting, Timothy Initiative
Location: Asia Africa, and the Americas
Jared & Emma Redding, Church Planting, Pioneers
Location: Peru
People's City Mission, Pastor Tom Barber, Benevolence
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Royal Family Kids Camp, Mark and Stephanie Geist, Camp for Foster/Abused Kids
Location: Central Nebraska
Garrett & Joanna Schlake, Discipling/Training College Students, InterVarsity
Location: France
Active Missionaries
Right now, and throughout the year, pray for our missionaries. They need wisdom, support, boldness, and many need safety!